Waiting list available

It appears that all spots are spoken for. There may be some movement or opportunity as not all payment has been received. Please email if you are interested in the programme and would like your name on the waiting list. Please DO NOT transfer any money for the waiting list.

Spaces still available in the 12:15 classes

Registration has been filling up quickly. The 10:00, 10:45, and 11:30 classes are now full.
There are still some spots available in the 12:15 class.

Please note that there is not an automated reply for registration. There is a volunteer who manually enters the registration information. You can double check to see if it was received by emailing registrar@sfsa.ca. Once the system volunteer receives the e-transfer, she will email you a confirmation.

The season is finished

We hope to keep SFSA running next year.  We need volunteer administrators to help with registration in October and November.   Email us if you are interested.


Thanks for your continued supported!  It’s great that we can bring affordable skating lessons to the community.